First herb walk of '22

Yes, it is time to get back into action! I am so excited that finally my classes, walks and workshops will be back after nearly 2 years of a break. This is my happy zone, I love everything about being a herbalist and I love lecturing in the College of Naturopathic Medicine in Dublin, but my greatest enjoyment comes from hosting small events locally and online. 

Launching this summer's program, which will soon be posted, is a herb walk in Rossmore forest park on Bank holiday Sunday 1st of May at 9am. All welcome. We will be looking at wild spring herbs, with a bit of a focus on detoxification and I always talk about herbal safety and correct identification of plants, as well as wild harvesting sustainably. 

The walks are free of charge, just bring suitable foot ware and a brolley if it is raining, bring a notebook and pen/pencil. 

If you are interested, get in touch via Facebook (wild about herbs) or email: